Caviar Complex Ampuled Serum 1/16 fl oz (2ml) 10 pcs

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The Caviar Complex is a skin-care concentration based on a special extract derived from Zooplankton Artemia Saline. It is highly effective in treating damaged, stressed, dry skin and hair with outstanding protection before and after UV irradiation. Caviar Extract implements a real potential of energy, life and dynamism for the cutaneous cells.

Ingredients to repair the effects of oxidization and aging:

    • Artemia extract to fight the deteriorating effects of oxidizing free radicals;
    • Caviar extract to stimulate the metabolism of cutaneous cells.
Properties of Caviar extract:
    • It stimulates the synthesis of collagen, keratin, filagrine and keratohyaline, without cell proliferation;
    • Improves the general aspect of the epidermis;
    • Anti-stress and antipollution properties;
    • Repairs (slows down mytosis) after UVB - photo-aging prevention;
    • Healing ability: The skin repairs 20 % faster and 33 % better.