How the EYE MASK became my secret anti-age weapon at 50+. Part 2
Part 2
How long to keep the eye mask on
The instructions say to apply them for 20 min.
I keep the masks on until they dry out and not sticky to the touch. It takes about 2 hours for them to release all moisture into the skin, leaving your eyes refreshed and plumping dehydrated skin.
Today, I started my morning at 6-30. Now the clock is showing 8 am and the mask is still moist.
If you do not have time in the morning, I guess it will be OK to do it later in the day whenever you have time. Apply the eye mask whenever you can. You can keep it on when cooking or watching TV, doing your chores around the house, and so on.
The eye mask will stay plastered under the eye, it does not shift and will bring comfort and hydration to tired eyes.
I cannot tell if the application length of 2 hours versus 20 min recommended matters. Maybe 20 min will bring the same result.
Do not apply the mask overnight. It will dry out and put additional stress on the delicate eye area. I tried it overnight, and it created more lines. When overdone, it dries completely and the edges embed into the skin leaving marks.
You will know it is time to remove the mask when you touch it with your finger and it is not sticky anymore.
If you forget about it and it completely dried out, it is OK. Simply wet it with few drops of water and within seconds it will soften up to be easily removed.
That is why I use this simple solution - I clip the pointed side of the mask off with scissors. The new shape goes under the eye perfectly.
Use the small spoon that comes with the jar, to scoop out individual masks. Make sure that you keep that spoon clean and dry. It is important not to pick up the masks from a jar with your fingers, to prevent the bacteria to contaminate the box.
You can store the spoon in the upper tray under the lid, but I use that compartment to keep the pair of masks I re-use the second time.
If the mask is too wet and slides down, place it on a piece of paper towel for a few seconds to remove excess moisture.
Wear the mask until it dries, or at least 20 min. Peel it off carefully and put it back into the jar, on the white membrane, located under the lid.
Adding few drops of water will help the mask to "resurrect" by absorbing that water and plumping it back. Next morning it should restore its properties. Simply rinse the mask under running water, and tap off excess moisture.
The re-used masks can survive 2-3 days. In theory, due to their jelly-like substance, they can host bacteria.
But if you know anything about skin microbiota, you will not be worried much about it.
You will be simply re-introducing your healthy microbiota back into the skin. I will write more about it in my next posts. The skin microbiome plays a significant role in skin health and anti-aging.
Allergy test - a word of caution
I have sensitive eyes, and most eye creams give me irritation and eye redness.
The last thing I want is my eyes to turn red and the eyelid area to look red and inflamed. Even worse, for mature skin, the swelling of the eye area is a disaster. It will take a long time to restore skin elasticity and in some cases, it will never be the same.
That is why I am careful with all my eye products. If I feel even slight discomfort, cosmetics go right into the trash.
Using these patches, I never had any reaction. However, it does not mean that you will not have one. That is why it is always better to do an allergy test.
Choose the most sensitive area - the good spot is a side of the neck under the ear, where the skin is most delicate. Paste the path and leave it until it dries out. Remove and observe skin reaction for 24 hours.
The main ingredient of the under-eye patch is carrageenan, a jelly-like product derived from seaweeds. It is made of Irish Moss, the seaweed that can survive the low tide because it stores the moisture in these polysaccharides.
Then different active ingredients are added to the mix - hyaluronic acid, nano-gold, vitamins, and plant extracts... you name it.
I tried different types of masks and they all work fine for me. Maybe fancier ingredients make the mask more effective. So I just switch between different varieties.
Worth trying
Oddly enough this inexpensive eye mask turned out to be more effective than fancy SMAS lifting, botox injections, and laser eyelift. As a short-time remedy, it smoothes fine lines, hydrating the eyes.
With regular use, and I mean day after day for a long time like a year or two, it erased the signs of aging, reduced dark circles, de-puffed, and returned my eyes a younger look.